OUR PLANET – Dream or Illusion?

Our Planet, is it a Dream or an Illusion?

On this cold and gloomy evening, and even a little stormy, when everything seems to end, I begin to understand the value of a future, which is a good omen for many, for those who believe that the only good thing left is sacrifice, for those who believe that the only bad thing left is this life, which is fought and often knocked down by a tangle of black forces, which increasingly destroy this good.

yellow sphere illustration
Flaring Sun

We are all like great waves, in this stormy and threatening sea, even the sun is angry with us, threatening our glaciers several times, foreshadowing for us a future, which tastes like death, scanning the syllables of our existence, throwing them to the wind that rages!

Sometimes remembering is useful to understand the mistakes made in the past, when love collapsed, under the blows of an increasingly despotic and fierce hatred!

Up the mountains of our genealogy, we discover that in fact, this is not magic, it is an embankment of ideas, not too empty, at the banks of this existence of ours, a mediocre field irrigated with water and hope, more than a resource, it is a real wealth!

This is how our planet is mirrored to us, adorned like a woman, with earrings of bombs, diamonds of tombs, with a necklace of job, with all her patience and resignation, with bracelets of the finest gold on her wrists, with a very low standard of living, with rings on her finger, of precious stones, very idle.

But this is not the world I wished for and even dreamed of, for me, my dream was not a nightmare, it was an extraordinary illusion of it, that seemed real, even if in some ways, surreal.

Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

Friends, I’ll tell you my dream, of a planet decked out in festive garbs, like a beautiful maiden, adorned with a beautiful necklace, set with precious stones and delicious, similar to tender children who had only the desire to laugh, on the wrists bracelets of happiness, and never greed, rings on the finger of solidarity and mutual love, with on beautiful makeup, made of people of every color, ethnicity, race, and religion, which blended well with each other, in a tight embrace and brotherly, and even a little ‘eternal! She had a beautiful and very long, hope-colored hair, lying on a beautiful perfect body.

Our Planet in Pain- Save Earth
Pic Courtesy: Twitter Shreyan

But alas! Everything ended, returned and trapped in a reality here, I opened my eyes and realized that this girl was from another dimension, disappeared away like a chimera, rejected by us mortals!

She is sick, this aged girl, this aged planet, groaning in pain, suffering, dying, and also wandering in the indefinite space, but I firmly believe what I am going to tell you: if each one of us would play his part well in this play, our planet would become a splendid destination, to give rest to every alien species, to give relief to every space sick, and I firmly believe, that we will become the pride of all the planets that surround us, and that now, judge us!

Cilenti Emanuele

Our Planet- Short Film in lines of the blog, do see!

An initiative to spread awareness through blogs to the green world, an initiative to fight global warming as a part of the marathon month of awareness at #TheMommaClan.  Let’s be the change and revolutionize the cause. Let’s fight global warming together and aim for a greener living on OUR PLANET! Let’s save our Earth…

Do read and share your views. Don’t forget to spread the word…

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Welcome to The Momma Clan!

I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on